Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Naturally curly hair disasters?

If you have naturally curly hair with bangs and you were to go outside and sweat planting in your garden, how would you look when going inside? I looked like a poofy headed frizzy headed space alien. UGGGH!

Naturally curly hair disasters?

I'd look the same as you. Curly hair can be frustrating sometimes,, but overall I actually like my curly hair.

Naturally curly hair disasters?

I feel your pain, I have curly hair too and mine used to be like that. Visit the site and read the book about curly hair. They are awesome!

Naturally curly hair disasters?

for one thing you may want to grow out the bangs thy don't work too well with curly hair...next time you go out planting why not put your hair in a pony tail if it is long enough or try having it flat ironed and pin it up so it doesn't get messed up when you work in the garden.

Naturally curly hair disasters?

I have naturally curly hair and I know what you mean! I have to straighten my hair! If I'm outside planting in my garden-I would put my hair in a pony-tail!

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