Thursday, November 26, 2009

Great haircuts for curly hair?

I have naturally curly hair, which is very very curly. It usually hangs in ringlets but it is always very frizzy and dry at the ends. It is shoulder length. I want to get it cut, but I don't know how short I should go? I am looking for something different, please help?

Great haircuts for curly hair?

I think you should start here.

Not everyone can cut curly hair...if they say they THINK they can.


Maybe your hair is frizzy because you wash it with shampoo to much.(or you use a brush)Wash your hair once or twice a week with shampoo...I no that sounds dirty and all,but it works.

I wash it on Sunday and rest of the week I massage conditioner into my hair.(remember you are rinsing it everyday in the shower)

Good luck! and remember stay away from brushes(wide toothed combs only)

From one curly girl to another.

Great haircuts for curly hair?

my gf is the same way, she is really damn curly, but is she lets it grow it gets all frizzy and stuff, she has it cut short, she also says she has to put certain conditioners and crap in her hair for it to stay healthy, anyway i would recommend it being cut shorter than shoulder length maybe itll stop being frizzy, works for my gf. i would say at half way on your neck would be a good place to start, or at least off your shoulders a little

Great haircuts for curly hair?

I straighten mine now, but my hair is naturally in very tight ringlets. What I find works best is this:

Always have layers put in, otherwise, it gets that poofy triangle shape. Get shorter layers so they give shape not just look uneven. I like to get mine a little longer in the front, but just slightly. If you're going to get it cut short, have them round it in the back. As for the ends, a trim should help, but get a deep conditioning mask for your hair, and use a light spray gel to keep it from going everywhere.

Great haircuts for curly hair?

i have really curly hair too, ,now i straighten it, but before i had it cut pretty short. I cut it really short on the back of my haed and long enough in the front to tuck behind my ears. Then i would use a cool part like a zig zag or something, curl up the back and i was ready to go. Took me five minutes and i got compliments all the time.

Great haircuts for curly hair?

I have naturally curly hair too. My hair is shoulder length too. .all depending on how you wear your hair, I cut my hair into layers. It adds more curls to your semi-curly hair and gives it more of a style!

-also use a hydrating shampoo/conditioner for those dry ends. You'll notice a difference the first time to use it! (I use Pro-V.. for hydrating curls)

Great haircuts for curly hair?

I would have to say cut it in layers.

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