Saturday, November 28, 2009

Help!!! i need hair styles for long blonde curly hair.!.?

i have long blonde curly hair and never no what to do with it!!i see alot of styles but never no how to do them!!i want something sexy and kinda easy to do(doesnt take 3 hours!!!lol) i want to keep my curly hair though.thanks.....

Help!!! i need hair styles for long blonde curly hair.!.?

Two questions: how long, and how curly?

I have short dark curly hair, and I blow mine out straight, but I have seen some really great styles for long hair, and I have actually thought about growing mine out because they are so cute.

One of my favorites is one my friend always wore. She had really curly hair, so she had plenty of volume. If your hair is softer, or you end up kind of flat on top, you can just use some volumizing gel up there to make it so it doesn't look like you have hat hair.

Basically, you just put in some good anti-frizzy gel after gently squeezing the water out of your hair after a shampoo and condition. DO NOT rub your hair, as this will mess up the curly ju-ju, and separate all your curls and make them look frizzy. Take random strands from around your whole head, starting at the crown, and wind them around your fingers with some gel so they are extra curly and shaped nicely when they dry. Just let it air dry, and you end up with a really nice, full, soft head of curls.

If you like, once you have dried it that way, you can pull it back. One thing that looks really nice is a high ponytail with some loose ringlets left down on purpose to frame your face. Don't pull the hair really tight, which will flatten the curl against your skull. Wait until it is dry, and pull it up gently so you have defined curls all gathered up. If your ends look funny, you can go in and put some glossing gell on them to keep them together.

Another thing that looks nice is kind of a variation on the above. Wait until your hair is dry so the curls are set, then take some from each side of your face. Take a good handful on either side, and turn it gently a couple of times, then either pin it or use a barrette in the back. It looks very old fashioned, but also very elegant. I can actually do this one with my hair when it isn't terribly long, and I get compliments on it. The only trick is making sure the barrette is the right size so it doesn't pinch your hair, or make the part you pulled back stick out from your head. Again, if the part in back isn't shaped right, just add some gel and twist it around your fingers, and the curls should come back and lay nice and flat and be soft and loose.

I know I have seen some great websites for styling curly hair, and I recently saw one with directions for every single style. Do you think I can find it again? I just looked, and I have no idea where it is, but if you simply put in "curly hair styling pictures" for a search term, you should be able to google some good ideas.

Best of luck to you :)

Help!!! i need hair styles for long blonde curly hair.!.?

"alot" is not a word. It is "a lot".

Help!!! i need hair styles for long blonde curly hair.!.?

Long Piggtails, High Bun, those are some ideas. I have long blonde curly hair too. For great advice email The Pretty Committee at

Help!!! i need hair styles for long blonde curly hair.!.?

ok, i think this style is beautiful!! have your hair in a low pony tail, but leave two stray hairs hanging out of the pony tail. it is totally sexy, easy, and quick!! good luck finding the right hair style!!

Help!!! i need hair styles for long blonde curly hair.!.?

heres a helpful little tip,look at all the hairstyles they have for your avatar try to look for a hair style you like and try to put them on.

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